Friday, June 20, 2008

Dont Puke On Your Audience

Writen by Peter Winters

Graphic design is a key element in communicating effectively with your audience; whether it is for a trade show or any other form of marketing communication. The tendency in trade show marketing is to say as much as possible in the time and space allowed during a trade show. Generally, you have 3-10 seconds to capture the attention of a trade show attendee. Companies often try to cram as much information into a 10x10 or 20x20 space as possible. From graphic images to text relating to the companies products and services companies put way too much information into their trade show displays.

So how do you speak to your audience so that they retain some of what you've said and even more importantly take action and buy? Below are a few ways to improve the visual performance of your trade show display.

1. Understand your goals with your display. Are you exhibiting to sell, for market awareness, client education, or other purposes? Communicate this purpose through the graphics and copy on your booth.
2. Have a central theme that can resonate with people in a short time.
3. Is there an emotional connection to what your company is about? If so, connecting with people on an emotional level has the greatest impact.
4. Keep your display and booth area clean. Less is definitely more here. Visual space on your display is a good thing. It allows your audience to absorb your message. Remember you have 3-10 seconds to attract them.
5. Any images or photography should be of the highest quality. Images used for brochures often cannot be used for trade show display graphics. 125 dpi at finished size is what we recommend to clients for crisp clean images.
6. Stick to one message. You can elaborate through conversation, follow up communication, literature, and your web site.
7. Pre-marketing your brand prior to the show helps as well. If you send attendees postcards, letters, or other communication before the show they naturally will be attracted to something they have seen before.

These are a few ways to target your message, get heard and seen by your audience, and generate the sort of response that puts you at trade shows in the first place. After your clean visual trade show display attracts people the rest is up to you and your staff to connect and sell.

If you would like more information on this topic or if you would like to suggest a topic for a future article, please contact Peter Winters at:
For over 10 years Mr. Winters has been consulting businesses on strategic planning, marketing, and public relations.

He is the owner of Exhibit Warehouse a Richmond Virginia-based trade show display and trade show exhibit fabrication company.

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