Sunday, August 10, 2008

Power Point Presentation Five Ways On How To Give Your Business Presentation In 30 Seconds Or Less

Writen by La Donna Jensen

How many times on a daily basis are you asked to tell someone about your business? Have you ever stammered, scrambling for the right words to describe what you and your company are about? Do you feel that your business is so complex that you ramble on and on forever?

Preparing carefully ahead of time for such situations can be one of the most important things that you do. It is called your 30 second commercial or elevator presentation. It is basically just that. In 30 seconds you should be able to tell precisely the most important details about your company.

If you advertise, you already understand the need to shorten information into bullet points. The same concept applies here.

For those of you who attend weekly social networking luncheons, here are some creative things that you can do to keep interest. This is the most advantageous time to practice your point power presentation.

1. Have a different theme for each month. Each week can be a variation of your monthly theme. If your company offers different products, highlight a different one each week.

2. Be creative. Some people use exactly the same 30 second commercial over and over again. Even though their presentation may be excellent, people tire of them.

3. Take advantage of holiday's. Most business's can be fit into gift giving holidays. Jewelry for example can be easily promoted at Christmas and Mother's Day.

4. Play a question/answer game. You can ask people questions about your company and then when they get the answer correct, throw them a candy bar. This is a lot of fun and leaves a memorable impression!

5. Sing a few seconds of a song. If you have a good voice, Christmas is a perfect month to sing part of your 30 seconds. Close with a few seconds of your name and company. This was done at a luncheon with great results.

Almost every company has multi-faceted, detailed and complex information. By bullet pointing key information, you can create interest in your business. Later a more in depth presentation can be given. Before and after the luncheon is when true networking is done. Business transactions are commonly closed after the luncheon or appointments are made for later discussion.

When you are giving your 30 second commercial, be relaxed! Do not try to put 2 minutes worth of information into 30 seconds. Speak slowly and comfortably. Some people try to put two or three business presentations into 30 seconds. This is a huge mistake! It takes away credibility. It also does not leave time to give any business a clear picture of the product or service. Everyone will be confused, not enticed to learn more.

If you think that your 30 second commercial is not important, let me share a true story with you. A man got into the elevator with a woman at a large entrepreneur convention. The woman asked what he did. By the time they reached their floor, the woman handed her business card to him and said, "I came to look for a company to invest in. Call me, I have just found it."

La Donna Jensen is an expert in marketing an sales for over 15 years. Marketing consultant for a radio show and magazine. Successful owner of own business and Internet entrepreneur. For more free articles on marketing and advertising, visit

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