1. Talk to your audience, not the screen. Trust the image behind you. Look at the laptop screen in front of you, if you have to.
2. Stand centre stage and put the screen off to the side.
3. Place the screen at a slight angle on the left side of the room or stage (and to your right). Adult learning research shows that people use the left-brain to process data, so put PowerPoint words, statistics, and graphs on the audience's left.
4. Learn to command your equipment. When in 'slideshow', the B key toggles to a blank screen (or W for white) when visuals aren't required
5. A number followed by ENTER takes you to that slide. Keep a clearly numbered paper copy (6 slides per page) of your presentation so you can be flexible
6. Set up PC so that left mouse button takes you forward, the right button takes you back a slide.
7. Finish with blank slide at end
8. Put only enough data on each slide to jog your memory. The content should be in your head, not on the slides. Keep it simple.
9. If you have a busy set of slides which you have to use, then create an executive summary set to use whilst presenting and keep the busy set as handouts.
10. Avoid stock templates that just look cheap
11. Use a wireless remote to give you freedom of movement. Buy the smallest you can and learn to keep it in the centre of your palm so as not to fiddle with it. Alternatively put it in your back pocket when not using.
12. Definitely no fancy movement or sound effects. These are so embarrassing
13. If you just have to use a busy slide set then use TTT (touch, turn, talk) to isolate the section you want and maybe adapt a new slide which just shows that section blown up. This way you audience knows that the slide with the detail is still there as a handout.
14. Have each bullet point slide onto the screen one at a time so people can read it quickly and give their attention back to you as you explain it.
15. Summarize charts and graphs that are difficult to understand
16. Don't clutter the slide - use two slides instead.
17. Use white or yellow letters on a dark background for good contrast. Dark blue is attractive and colourful at the same time.
18. The letters should be no smaller than a 26-point, sans serif font.
19. Use the 1:6:6 rule. One subject, no more than six lines with no more than 6 words per line
20. Don't use canned clipart that everyone has seen. Use different clipart collections. Better still use photos and mini movies for added interest. But don't clutter the slides with your technical brilliance.
21. If a slide doesn't add value to your message, don't use it.
Paul is an international speaker, trainer, author and coach based in the UK. He specialises in rapport selling and rapport sales management and can ignite his audiences large or small. Rapport selling gets more results. Get your Ebook Presentation Excellence at http://www.archertraining.co.uk and sign up to our regular EZine of sales and management tips.
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