For hundreds of years, text writing has been the default medium of choice for most people. It was the simplest, easiest, and most widely used medium for communication.
When television became widespread in the 1950's, TV soon became the most powerful medium for communication even though it was an expensive and time-consuming medium available exclusively to elites when it came to creation.
It is now my belief that both text and TV are being eclipsed by the medium of video. The costs to create and distribute video are rapidly getting to the point where it no different from text. Average citizens are creating videos on their cell phones, mini-video cameras, the computers and a zillion other devices.
While producing high quality broadcast quality video for television has always been a painstaking and time-consuming process, it is now arguably faster and easier for many people to click a button, speak in front of a video camera on their computer, and then hit one more button to send the video to friends, family or colleagues around the world than it is to write a text email letter.
We are moving in a post-literate world where increasingly communication must take place in a non-textual way. So what does all of this mean?
Everyone is going to have to get used to presenting their ideas on video, whether they like it or not. Back in the 70s and 80s when answering machines and voicemail gained popularity, many people refused to leave messages because they didn't like talking to a machine and having their voice be a part of recorded technology.
Can you guess what happened to the anti-voicemail folks? All of those people leave voice mail messages every day now and think nothing of it.
The same is coming with video, so you might as well get ready to present yourself in the most appealing manner possible to the cameras that will soon be surrounding you.
About the Author:
TJ Walker is the worlds leading speaking coach, author of "Presentation Training A-Z." and "Media Training A-Z." He is the current host of and and can be reached at You can read more of his presentation and media tips at
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