Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Speak To Influence Minicourse Part 5 Of 5

Writen by Gary Horsman

In part 5 of the program you will learn about:

1. Technology tools for delivering your message to a wide audience
2. How Internet users benefit from hearing your voice

1. Technology Tools for Delivering Your Message to a Wide Audience

The following are several ways technology can help you use your voice to deliver your message.

• Review your voicemail message for clarity and energy.

• Set up your "on-hold" recording to be something interesting, informative, and valuable for the person on hold. Let them know that this month's newsletter has just been published and that they may sign up to receive it automatically. Also, you could describe a new product or service or the launch of your new website. Tell them some news about your company or tell them what makes you and your company different.

• Use your website to deliver a message with your voice.

The PTT Presenter system and the Instant Audio system are just two easy-to-use, affordable tools that allow you to better use your website as a communication tool. They allow you to increase the impact of your message with voice narration.

Both systems use the telephone to upload your voice to a web-based server for placement on your website or on other websites.

The PTT Presenter enables you to upload your PowerPoint presentation to a server, and then add a voice narration to this presentation on a slide-by-slide basis.

Instant Audio is a way to set up voice recordings to play automatically or when someone clicks on the play button.

• It is also useful to have a simple audio creation and editing program. You can make recording of your voice and keep these as records for reference. You can also edit and enhance your recordings so that they run faster. You can edit out things such as a gulp of air or a long undesired pause. My favorite is Sound Forge from Sony. It is easy to use and has many powerful features. It is also high value added since it is very reasonably priced.

2. How Internet Users Benefit from Hearing Your Voice

Search engines are now gearing up to recognize audio files. The top engines will soon start to index pages with audio-file content and define pages that have multi-media capabilities as pages that enhance content for the searcher. Soon web pages with multi-media content will be index higher than pages without such content and visitors will remain on pages with high-impact and rich media content longer than on pages with static text and images. Rich-media pages will win out over their static page competitors in two ways.

Voice narration on a website can ease the visitor's burden of having to read text. It also conveys your message in a way that can make the listener understand your interest and enthusiasm for your product, service and desire to help them. Static text simply cannot convey emotion like a real human voice can.

It is hard to convey enthusiasm using just graphics and text.

This makes visiting your website more interesting and easier for the visitor as they do not have to read they can look at the images and listen. These are both big plusses as far as the visitor is concerned.


I hope this five-part mini-course has given you many ideas for ways you can use your voice to effectively deliver your message. We have covered public address, interpersonal communications and a bit about etiquette and technology. You have learned many different ways of improving the way your message is received by your target audience."

I also hope that you have gained a greater appreciation of the value of your voice as a marketing tool. Learn to use it effectively, often, and in as many ways as possible.

Gary is President of Presentations That Talk (http://www.presentationsthattalk.com). The core product of Presentations That Talk is the PTT Presenter. The PTT Presenter allows users to easily make voice-narrated streaming media presentations. This allows a company to present their products and services, using the Internet, with presentation marketing which adds impact and helps to influence the viewer.

Gary is also a public speaker, educator, and mentor/coach to others wishing to improve their speaking ability. www.presentationsthattalk.com

Hospital in Tennessee Thailand Hotels

Monday, September 29, 2008

Luggage Lessons Learned

Writen by JoAnn Hines

I recently came back from the worst travel trip of my life. Although I have traveled all over the world, this was a simple trip to California yet it quickly moved to the top of the "disaster" list. I won't bore you with the gory details but it gave me food for thought about the relevance of business travel and the lessons one can learn.

Lesson # 1:

It doesn't matter about the difficulty in getting there. They fact is that people expect you to show up unless there is a catastrophe. The largest audience ever was there to hear my presentation and they really didn't care how difficult my ordeal in getting there was; they just wanted to hear what I had to say.

Lesson #2:

It's not the clothes or the makeup that people come to see, it's the speaker or expert. I've made presentations in various arrays of dress in the past but this was the first time I gave a keynote in jeans, T-shirt and running shoes. The point being the audience looks past all that. They are there for the content and not the person's appearance.

Lesson #3:

Humor helps in almost any situation. I opened my speech explaining that I was in rehearsal from "Trains, Planes and Automobiles Part #2." That lightened the moment and made a connection instantly with those who travels regularly. Plus it made me feel better too.

Lesson #4:

Don't get caught up in the ordeal. Make the most of the time you have available. I my case, I had time to reestablish old relationships (longtime member Jan Gates) and make new ones.

Lesson #5

Show me the money. Sob story aside it's always important to make the people who invited you realize the received a value for their money. So do what you can do to provide support after the fact? In my case, I made myself available after the presentation and provided notes for distribution to the audience of about 400.

So remember besides the aggravation of business travel and lost luggage (I did manage to get it back upon my return), take advantage of every moment to enjoy yourself and connect with the people.

Discover the easy way to make yourself stand out from others. How to become an expert in your field; How to write a better resume; How to write a personal press release; How to accomplish things no one else is doing and to get people to think about you in ways they have not thought before and much more.

Learn from an expert that took her career from anonymity to world class leader after being fired 3 times in the process. Visit http://www.packagingcoach.com to subscribe to the "Packaging Yourself" E-zine.

Get your free special report "10 Things Your Mother Never Told You About Marketing Yourself." Go to http://packagingcoach.com/products.htm to get your special offer.

Hospital in Tennessee Thailand Hotels

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Presentation Structure

Writen by Kurt Mortensen

In my younger years, I always heard "practice makes perfect." Persuaders who take the time to craft a well structured presentation find greater success than those who don't. A properly structured presentation includes the following:

Create Interest

Make sure the other party is interested in what you have to offer. What's in it for them? How can you help them be open to negotiation and create a win-win resolution?

State the Problem

Clearly define the problem you intend to alleviate. Relate your understanding of how the need or problem affects the other party so they know that you understand exactly where they're coming from.

Offer Evidence

Support and validate your claims and concerns. Expand your credibility by giving the other side additional sources to rely on besides you. Evidence can include examples, statistics, stories, testimonies, analogies and any other supporting material that is used to enhance the integrity and congruency of your negotiation efforts.

Present a Solution

Clearly and convincingly present how your solution will meet their needs and will help them achieve their goals and objectives.


After showing them how you can fulfill their needs, your prospects should be interested in pursuing the deal further. Then, a discussion of terms naturally follows. Work out terms that are agreeable to all.

Using this type of structure facilitates people's acceptance of what you have to offer. We all have a logical side to our minds, which results in our need for order and arrangement. If you can't be clear, concise and orderly, the negotiation will be unclear, non-concise and disorderly.

Everyone persuades for a living. There's no way around it. Whether you're a sales professional, an entrepreneur, or even a stay at home parent, if you are unable to convince others to your way of thinking, you will be constantly left behind. Get your free reports at Magnetic Persuasion to make sure that you are not left watching others pass you on the road to success. Donald Trump said it best, "Study the art of persuasion. Practice it. Develop an understanding of its profound value across all aspects of life."

Kurt Mortensen's trademark is Magnetic Persuasion; rather than convincing others, he teaches that you should attract them, just like a magnet attracts metal filings. He teaches that sales have changed and the consumer has become exponentially more skeptical and cynical within the last five years. Most persuaders are using only 2 or 3 persuasion techniques when there are actually 120 available! His message and program has helped thousands and will help you achieve unprecedented success in both your business and personal life.

If you are ready to claim your success and learn what only the ultra-prosperous know, begin by going to http://www.PreWealth.com and getting my free report "10 Mistakes That Continue Costing You Thousands." After reading my free report, go to http://www.PreWealth.com/IQ and take the free Persuasion IQ analysis to determine where you rank and what area of the sales cycle you need to improve in order to close every sale!

Hospital in Tennessee Thailand Hotels

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bar Graphs And Presentations

Writen by Adam Smith

Let's make business reporting simple again. In the age of information, many of us are experiencing information overload. There is such a thing as gathering and presenting too much data, and the business world struggles to present information in a rich, powerful, and stimulating manner without crossing the information overload threshold. Remember when you were young and just conquering the skill of reading. Sure reading was fun, and our minds processed a lot of information from the words that we read, but didn't the illustrations in the books have a more lasting affect? The old saying reminds us a picture is worth a thousands words. We can use words to describe a situation, but a picture really encapsulates the ideas we are trying to get across.

We can apply this lesson to the business world. When presenting information to a conference room full of business professionals we are eager to first obtain, and then retain their attention. This can be achieved through pictures. Now, I am not suggesting that you take your doodling and add it to your presentation, but what I am suggesting is that you make better use of custom charts such as bar graphs and bar charts in your presentation.

Bar charts and bar graphs can offer a simple, but meaningful representation of the information you are trying to relay to your audience. Bar graphs can leave a more lasting impression in the minds of your audience members than a slide offering a comparison of quantified data. For instance, when you see a bar chart, what jumps out at you first? For most people the tallest bar is the bar that is noticed first. You might also notice the shortest bar rather quickly as it stands out as well. In all likelihood, as a presenter you are hoping the eyes of your audience members will gravitate to the extreme ends of the spectrum, either the tall bar or the short bar on the bar chart. Now that you have captured the audiences' attention and directed it towards the information you wanted to discuss, you are free to continue with your presentation.

Or perhaps you want to use your bar graphs in another manner. Rather than emphasize really high sales or really low variable costs, you wish to show an increasing sales trend. In this scenario, your bar chart would represent your monthly sales across a certain time period. Upon presenting the bar chart, it would be clear to the audience that sales had increased substantially each month from January to August. Again, by using bar graphs you have painlessly grabbed the attention of the audience, directed it toward the topic you wanted to discuss and now you can make the points that are important to you.

When using bar graphs in your presentation, be sure to keep a few things in mind. Label the bar chart clearly so the audience doesn't spend all its time trying to figure out what the bars represent. Make your bar charts vibrant – use strong colors to make bars of interest standout and soft subdued colors to make the other bars less conspicuous. Keep the information represented by the bar graphs as relevant as possible. Just because you have a beautiful bar chart doesn't mean it should be used in your presentation. If you have created bar charts that will enhance your presentation then incorporate them into the presentation, otherwise leave them alone. Most importantly, be creative with your visualizations and have fun. Your audience will enjoy your presentation more and come away having learned everything you hoped they would.

Adam Smith is an information author for http://www.10XMarketing.com For more information on incorporating bar graphs into your presentations, please visit http://www.corda.com/lpage/bar_graphs.html

Hospital in Tennessee Thailand Hotels

Friday, September 26, 2008

Presentation Skills Keeping The Blackberries At Bay

Writen by J. Douglas Jefferys

Question: How do you know if an engineer is an extrovert?

Answer: He looks at your shoes when he talks to you! I am allowed to say that, coming from a family of engineers, but it's exactly to the point of this month's column on the art of successful presentation design and delivery. At the heart of all successful presentations is a presenter who maintains proper eye-contact with members of the audience at all times.

Microsoft estimates that with over 300 million copies of PowerPoint installed world-wide, something like 3 million presentations are given every day. What they don't say is that roughly 2.9 million of those are completely ineffective in achieving true knowledge transfer, what presentations are supposed to be about in the first place.

Knowledge transfer occurs, for the most part, when you are able to keep every member of the audience on the same page throughout the entire presentation. Unlike a written report, where the intended audience has the luxury of acquiring the embedded knowledge at his or her own pace, a presentation is actually an event where knowledge transfer is a rather ethereal event; information appears on the screen and is discussed for a fleeting moment in time, and then disappears.

To understand the relationship between an on-screen presentation and a written report (or worse – the presentation printed as a hand-out), think billboard versus magazine ad.

Look me in the eye

To keep the audience together, you first must start with a presentation that allows you to stay engaged with the audience, as opposed to either the screen or your notes. When you lose engagement in business presentations today, you invite audience members to wander, and that's when the Blackberries blossom.

A key element to successful engagement involves learning proper eye contact, which requires you to hold contact with individuals for anywhere between 3-7 seconds, or until you have completed one thought. At which point, you pause and move to another person and do the same. Most presenters look at one person no more than ½ to 1 second at a time, if that, and then only when they're not looking up at the ceiling or down at the floor. Or, with extroverted engineers, your shoes.

Modern presentation theory teaches a conversational approach to presenting, because that's the way to maximize both comfort and trust between you and the audience. By practicing some fairly simple eye contact techniques, you can deliver to a group of 500 without ever feeling more anxiety than you would when discussing your job to friends around a lunch table. Most people find that hard to believe until they've received some training, but when you get it down, it's rather powerful stuff!

People like to talk about themselves, about what they do, and about what they know. Your presentations should be like that. Use the screen to keep yourself in a pre-set direction, use it to list all the points you want to be sure to make, but deliver the presentation itself from the heart. People care somewhat about content, but what moves them to interest is hearing how you feel about it. To get across emotion, you want to be conversational.

Reading is NOT fundamental

Your job as presentation designer, therefore, is to create visuals that further this process rather than hamper it. Your slides need to contain only as much information as is necessary to start the conversation, and allow you to continue it while engaging individuals in the audience with your eyes. You are not there to read slides - the audience could do that quite easily for themselves, thank you. If you're reading from the screen, you're not engaging the audience. If your eyes are anywhere but in contact with a listener, the audience is actually dis-engaged.

The other problem with trying to deliver a presentation that contains lengthy streams of prose is that the people who came to hear you speak can read words about 40% faster than you can speak them - 250 words per minute for them vs. 150 wpm for you. It is the equivalent of having a minivan that waits until the last minute to pull out into the road in front of you, and then proceeds to drive 40% slower than the speed limit you were pleasantly exceeding.

When there is too much information on the screen, especially in the form of sentences, not only does the reading process rob the audience of their precious time, it also leads to breaking the essential bond between you and the audience that occurs only with constant eye contact. When you project up TMI, you are forced, by design, to turn your back to the audience as you read from the screen.

As practitioners of the conversational approach know, nothing works more to bind you with the audience than the proper use of eye contact, summed up with this rule:

If eyes aren't locked then your jaw must be.

With a visual so complex that it forces you to read from the screen, this all-important component to proper presenting is lost, attention erodes, and the only contact your audience seeks is with people at the other end of their wireless devices.

Absorb, Align, and Address:

The solution, then, is to restrict the volume of information at each exposure to that which can be absorbed by both you and the audience in just a few seconds - 10 at the most. The proper procedure for achieving transfer of information from the screen to the audience involves a process we call Absorb, Align, and Address, but that is a the subject of an article all its own.

J. Douglas Jefferys brings twenty-five years of corporate training experience to his role as a principal of PublicSpeakingSkills.com Mr. Jefferys has personally trained over 15,000 business presenters in his firm's unique presentation design and delivery skills; He is the author of And Your Point Is?, a primer on proper presentation design, as well as two full-length videos on designing and delivering presentations that are at once compelling and yet easy on both audience and presenter.

Hospital in Alabama Thailand Hotels Booking

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Charismatic Communication Discovering And Building A Mutual Space With Your Audience Part One

Writen by Desmond Guilfoyle

Charismatic communication demands a transaction between speaker and listeners, and, as with most forms of fair-trading, customer satisfaction is predicated on exchanging things of equal value. For example, in exchange for a piece of electronic equipment at your local electrical store, you hand over its alleged value in dollars. In effect, the salesman buys your money with the piece of equipment.

Similar dynamics apply when you seek to buy people's commitment to your proposals or ideas. So, what currency do you need to use to purchase attention and a fair hearing from your audience? The currency comes in three denominations:

1. Discovery 2. Groundwork 3. Dialogue

You can choose to spend a reasonable amount of time in discovery mode. It's part of a process of learning about the people you intend to influence. It enables you to gain an insight into their personal worldviews, and the information you gather enables you to respect fully their models of the world and talk their particular dialect.

Groundwork is also a key element, as it represents the preparation phase, of involving others in discussion and debate on the desirability and value of your position and ideas. It enables you to respond with feedback and engage in a mutual search for alternatives. It also provides you with the opportunity to informally test ideas on potential adversaries and modify your approach as you go along.

You can test, revise, hone, and polish your message before you arrive at a final product that incorporates the key needs of your target group. There are many benefits in accommodating other people's concerns, ideas and solutions into your final strategy or proposal. Your groundwork phase can often save you from embarrassing and sometimes perilous consequences.

Dialogue is the art of talking with people rather than talking at them or pretending to consult. It can occur during every stage of the communication process. Formal dialogue, as in a presentation or proposal, best occurs at the stage when you are certain of winning assent and support.

Open dialogue encourages commitment and motivation. It alerts you to the emotional temperature of your audience or group and avoids having an idea or strategy stall through covert opposition and resistance at every turn.


It may not always be possible to know the individual needs, values, or beliefs of larger audiences. So, some communications, presentations, and speeches are necessarily "catch-all" affairs where you may use other powers of persuasion to draw listeners into shared space to discuss the merits of your ideas. Size of crowd, media speeches and interviews, diversity of the congregation, and other factors, sometimes make it difficult to gain an accurate measure of your audience. Never the less, it would be foolhardy to deliver a presentation to a group of people about whom you knew nothing.

Consider extolling the virtues of Australian beef to a group of Vegans, advocating Judaism to a gathering of Shiite fundamentalists, or telling Irish jokes at a Celtic Club. The point is that if you want your listeners to like and trust you, you must tailor your message to the people you're seeking to persuade.

Even rudimentary knowledge about your audience is better than none. But, the more information you have about your listeners, the better you will be able to communicate your message using their language register. After all, if a small or large group comes together to listen to you, it must, by definition, have something in common.

When you align your content with the audience's belief and value structures, you send the signal "We are of the same mind". High-order 'sameness' is one of the most important factors determining whether your presentation will win the day or fall on deaf ears. The more your audience views you and itself as being of one mind, the more receptive it will be to your ideas and proposals.

People make rapid, unconscious calculations on the degree of one-mindedness they share with others, based on finding answers to the following questions:

  • Does the speaker/leader think like I do, or think like I want to think, and have a similar attitude and approach?
  • Does the speaker/leader share and reflect my core beliefs and values?
  • Does s/he share my traditions: roots, culture, education and background?

Approach, attitude, beliefs, and values are significant elements people apply in determining one-mindedness. In important situations when much is riding on the success of your presentation, it would be folly to misalign or mismatch the beliefs and values of your audience.

There are two principle ways to discover and mirror the beliefs and values of your audience or target group.

1. research and/or elicit them

2. mirror universal values and virtues

In researching the values and beliefs of your audience, speak to the client group before the presentation and ask questions along the lines of "What are the things that are important to you in bringing this product to market?" or "Why is it important to you to be seen as an independent operator?" The key part of your questions should be what, why, or how, is something important. If you listen closely to the responses, you will hear words that represent values, beliefs, and deeply held attitudes. Ask questions about:


  • Where people stand on particular issues - their values and beliefs?
  • What are the interesting aspects of particular corporate cultures?
  • Where is the group focus at the moment?What the primary needs are of the group - what does the group absolutely have to have in order to feel satisfied and fulfill
  • What particular challenges or special circumstance confront the group at the momen
  • What does the group need to have in order to achieve its goals?

If you have been invited to speak to larger groups make a point of finding out as much as you can about the composition of your audience. Gathering the following types of information:


  • What are the basic demographics of the group: age range, gender, positional rank, social background, educational level, etc.?
  • What are the expectations of the audience? What do they expect of you and how has your presentation or speech been promoted?
  • Ask about attitudes, schools of thought, or general political persuasions. A group of liberal lawyers will require a different approach than a group of CBD accountants.
  • Discover as much as you can about the group or organisation that has invited you to speak. What is its history, what are its aims and objectives and what is its main thrust at the moment?
  • Find out if there are any specific issues the group is lobbying for or on which they have tgaken a strong position
  • Who are the group's patrons and senior membership?

In Part Two of this article, you will review how to integrate this information into your formal dialogue with an audience.

(c) Desmond Guilfoyle 2004 - 2006

Desmond Guilfoyle is author of three books on charisma, impression management and influence. 'The Charisma Effect' has been publiished in seven languages. He advises polititians, CEOs and media performers on imagistics, profile building and media savvy. He can be contacted at Mondodec@tpg.com.au Further articles and information is available at his blog http://charismacom.blogspot.com/

Hospital in Alabama Thailand Hotels Booking

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

5 Tips To Make The Most Of Your Exhibition Stands

Writen by James Grueson

Exhibition stands can be a very effective marketing tool when used correctly. Exhibitions attract many different kinds of people that can help make your product, or company a success. As a result, it is important to make the most of your exhibition stands. Following these five tips should help you to have a successful exhibition.

1. Respect and give attention to all visitors at your stand. You should use the same philosophy as, "the customer is always right." What that implies is that anyone visiting your stand should be given respect and attention. Showing disrespect or ignoring them will not yield the results you desire. There are many different types of people that come to exhibitions. Ensure that you don't simply ignore certain demographics (like seniors, for example). Every person is important, so seek out the people who are wandering in the aisles and are not getting attention from anyone else. Talking to them and giving them respect is a great way to get them to remember your message.

2. Adjust to the types of visitors you will have. A great "pitch" can work wonders, but if the same pitch is used on media, buyers, advertising sales staff, specifiers, consultants, and all other visitors it will simply not be effective. Adjust your pitch to the type of visitor you are dealing with. Does an old person looking to buy your product care if Jessica Simpson endorses it? Does a young person want a job that is good for seniors? Keep these types of questions in mind when talking to your visitors.

3. Go after actual leads at the exhibition. Some exhibitors believe very strongly that they need to get "names" at an exhibition. This could not be more untrue. Names are not important; actual leads are. Actual qualified leads are visitors that have the capability to fulfill an organizational objective (such as a sale or job interview) and whom you have enough information about so you can respond to them specifically after the exhibition. It wouldn't make sense to send a sales letter to a job applicant and a job application to a member of the media. Having accurate information about your visitors (besides just their names) is paramount.

4. Time limits should always be set. There will be many people visiting your stand. You cannot spend a great amount of time on one person, because then others will be neglected. Every person visiting is important and should thusly be given a due amount of consideration. A five-minute time limit for dealing with a visitor is a good idea. It ensures that the exhibition keeps moving, and that your specific stand does not get clogged up with too many people at once.

5. Follow up on your exhibition leads! This may seem like a no-brainer, but many people take the time and effort to set up a beautiful exhibition and do not follow up on their leads. Why even set up a stand if you won't use the information you acquire? Exhibition stands are great ways to help the success of your company, so use your information wisely.

James Grueson recommends DiscountDisplays.co.uk for exhibition stands.

Hospital in Alabama Thailand Hotels Booking

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Presentation Skill Training The Law Of Captivation

Writen by Paul Evans

Every presenter knows he/she must keep the audience interested. Captivation, well, that's much more than mere interest.

Interest keeps people awake.

Captivation keeps people on the edge of their seats.

Interest allows the audience to drift in and out of the message while still getting the main thrust.

Captivation makes the audience feel like they cannot miss a word or they will miss out on something good.

See the difference?

Do you want the crowd interested or captivated?

Create captives:

Deliver contrary statements to deeply revered beliefs – then prove it!

Use statements that suck listeners into the message. "I want to tell you something you might not believe; in fact, you probably won't."

Keep your points structured in a way that makes listeners want to hear the next one.

Use personal stories that relate to the audience. Never use the same tired, old stories that everyone else uses and everyone has heard a hundred times or more.

Promise a solution to a specific problem. Then form your speech around the cure, which you reveal step by step. "In the next forty-five minutes you'll learn everything you will ever need to know about how to retire a multi-millionaire in 15 years. Here's how…"

Use people in your talk. A live person on stage immediately captivates, because anything can happen!

Captives don't wonder around on their own. Captives are led. You are the leader. Construct your messages in a way that creates captives, not just interested listeners.

Paul Evans is the executive creator of http://www.InstantSpeakingSuccess.com and http://www.PresentationPowerSecrets.com His 20 years of public speaking experience help over 24,000 speakers around the work each week through his free public speaking ezine.

Hospital in Alabama Thailand Hotels Booking

Monday, September 22, 2008

Presentation Skills The 7 Basic Rules Of Visual Design

Writen by J. Douglas Jefferys

This article will elucidate the rules of presentation visual design that, if heeded, will almost always assure that your audiences will be able to follow your ideas every step of the way. Of course, you must keep in mind that visual design is only one-third of the package required for a successful presentation, the other two being content and delivery.

Like a fine dining experience that requires equal parts food, service and atmosphere to really work, the visual design part of the presentation process is every bit as necessary as the others to achieve the desired result – in this case, true knowledge transfer.

So without further ado:

7. Maintain paragraph integrity. First, all 1st Level Paragraph text must be the same size in every slide. Likewise, all 2nd Level Paragraph text must be smaller and of a different color. Lastly, don't go beyond the 3rd Level, and this text should not be smaller than 20 points.

If all information of the same importance is of the same size throughout your presentation, your audience won't be raising question marks as to just how important this information is with each click of the slide. Take this concept one step further by ensuring that all material of the same nature is the same color. If, for instance, you use a lot of numbers in your bullet points, make them all one color, different from the text. Once your audience recognizes this pattern, they'll spend less time digging through the text to find their figures.

6. No boring fonts. Rarely is there a need to use more than two different fonts in any presentation. However, there is a HUGE need to use any two fonts other than the PowerPoint defaults Times New Roman and Arial!

The problem is that because everybody else uses these two fonts 99% of the time, if yours is the fifth presentation your audience is seeing that day, pretty soon all the text starts to look the same, and you lose much of your meaning and impact. We often hear from clients who have to sit through presentations themselves that after a while, they can't remember which vendor said what – it all becomes a big blur. Make sure you're not part of the blur.

5. Use proper builds. Without a sense of good design, which in most cases means simply showing restraint, animations can quickly overwhelm an otherwise well laid-out presentation. The trick then is to introduce concepts one at a time in a way that doesn't draw more attention than the concepts themselves. Builds are essential elements in turning slides that would otherwise have TMI into ones that audiences can follow; but like other elements of good design, a proper build should never announce itself. Rather, a well animated presentation should simply appear to "happen", without a clue as to why it seems so easy to follow.

4. Be colorful - Light on dark. Watch much black-and-white television these days? Although black-and-white works as an art form in many ways, humans tend to like color. Even old-guard newspapers like the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal finally concluded that to avoid losing readers to more modern media, they had to go to color.

While humans can discern a dozen or so shades of gray, they can see millions of different colors. We've evolved to use our sense of color to survive – help your audiences survive your presentation by not blinding them with black on white.

3. Less is More. This rule is central to good presentation design, but absolutely essential for graphs or charts. We often see pie charts come across our review desk with over a dozen slices, many so small they need to be annotated with lines and arrows far from the graph itself. Do you really think anyone will remember all 25 competing products in your market and their percentage share? Might be good information for a handout, but in a presentation few people can absorb more than six elements in any graph.

You make your point much more effectively when you limit your displayed data to the stuff the audience is likely to remember. Less information becomes more retention of the stuff you really want them to go home with.

2. One concept per visual. Here's another really common problem we see in the majority of business presentations, and the solution flows from rule number 3. When more than one concept appear at the same time, your audience not only tries to figure out the concepts, they also try to determine which one deserves most of their attention, how the two or more are related, whether one is the "right" one or the "good" one, and so on and so forth – all having nothing to do with your actual message itself.

This extra time and effort acts as a drag on presentation flow, and explains why a 45-slide presentation, properly broken down into one concept per, takes less time to present than the same information packed into 15.

1. Favor Right-Brain information. We humans have evolved with two different ways to deal with stimuli from the outside world so that we can react to it in the way most likely to keep us alive. Our right brain reacts to input such as colors, graphics, shapes and patterns instantly, without stopping to process the information first. Our left brain kicks in when presented with speech, text or numbers; however with this kind of information we first pause to analyze it before storing or reacting to it. We have filters on the left side on the brain, and not everything gets through.

If you want your ideas to strike fast and be readily absorbed, then every time you can, figure out how to turn your left-brain type data into shapely and colorful right-brain images.

J. Douglas Jefferys is a principal at PublicSpeakingSkills.com, [http://www.publicspeakingskills.com] an international consulting firm specializing in training businesses of all sizes to communicate more efficiently. The firm spreads its unique knowledge through on-site classes, public seminars and high-impact videos.

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Things That Stop Most People Presenting In Public Amp How To Overcome Them

Writen by Maria Davies

Gerald R. Ford said "If I went back to college again, I'd concentrate on two areas: learning to write and learning to speak before an audience. Nothing in life is more important than the ability to communicate effectively."

It's the number one skill that's guaranteed to position you head and shoulders above the competition, yet it's frequently overlooked, according to female speaker, Patricia Fripp.

My own take on having the ability to speak well in public is that it's probably the single most powerful thing you can learn to do that gives you the ammunition to say "If I can do that, I can do anything".

If you've ever marvelled at the abilities of a great presenter, the clever use of words to draw pictures, the confidence and charisma that exudes from the platform and the awe in which they are held, you'll agree with the above statements.

So why is it that when it comes to attending training courses, presentation skills are not the automatic first port of call? Could it be to do with that oft quoted (probably misquoted) statistic that speaking in public is feared more than death? Let's not go into an examination of quite how ridiculous that would be if it were true. After all, how many of you would really swap places with the guy in the coffin if you were asked to speak at a funeral?

There's no doubt that public presenting can get the old palms sweating, but given the benefits you'll get when you know you can do it well, it really shouldn't stop you. Let's examine the causes of nerves so you lay your fears to rest and get this most important of abilities added to your arsenal of talents, shall we?

First, examine why you're nervous. There's always a reason for nerves so examine what the reasons are so you can deal with the cause and go a long way to eliminating the symptom. Note that I say "go a long way to eliminating", the chances are that you'll always feel some nervousness which is when you need to remember that nerves are your friends because they keep your senses sharp & show that you want to do well.

Even seasoned performers suffer from stage fright, some had it so bad they could barely perform. Fortunately, the thought is usually worse than the task. Once you get started, you'll often find that your nervousness will disappear. I liken it to knowing that you're about to tackle a drive round London's Hyde Park Corner or Paris's Arc de Triomphe in rush hour. Thinking about it really freaks you out but when you're in the middle of it, you're too busy concentrating on not hitting anyone that it's only afterwards you get to think "Wow, I made it in one piece."

Some of the most common reasons I've found for people suffering from nerves are these:

- Worry about forgetting what you're going to say

- Worry that the audience will think you're a fraud

- Worry about saying the wrong thing and offending somebody

- Worry that someone will ask a question to which you don't know the answer

- Worry that you'll get a dry mouth or get tongue tied

- Worry that you'll finish too soon or run long

Some of the less common ones I've heard were "I'm worried in case there's a fire alarm halfway through my talk" and "I'm worried that the hem on my trousers will unravel in front of everyone whilst I'm speaking."

I could dismiss all these are "silly" or "invalid" and tell you that none of them will ever happen, but the fact is that they often will. (Yes, even the trouser hem thing's happened to me!). Looking down the list, you can see that there's a lot you can do to avoid these situations occurring: being well prepared, stating your qualifications in your introduction, knowing your subject matter inside and out, timing yourself several times during rehearsals, and so on (sorry, I don't have a magic bean to disable fire bells during speeches).

But so what if any of them still come to pass? What's the worst that can happen? Well it's not life or death, you know. You have to learn to keep your fears in perspective. And remember, the audience wants you to succeed. Nobody enjoys a bad speech.

Do what you can to be prepared and don't let fear of speaking stop you from gaining that most revered of all skills, the one that will impact every area of your personal and business life. Give yourself the very best opportunity of succeeding and you'll find the rewards are massive.

Maria Davies is the UK's most successful female sales presenter who trains others to overcome their public speaking fears and use presentation skills to increase the audience share for their product or service by around 91%. Find out more about forthcoming seminars, worldwide e-trainings or speaker bookings at http://www.laddersofsuccess.com

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Audience Respect

Writen by Rudi Goldman

One of the biggest mistakes most presenters make is in not considering or respecting their audience when preparing their talks. Showing respect means not boring them to tears with a data dump of information which is meaningless to them.

1. Respect your audience. Make sure your talk is relevant to them, not just to you. Focus your talk on what benefits the audience and you will keep their interest.

2. Do not memorize your presentation. It will sound like and feel like you are reading it from the cue cards in your mind.

3. Never read a presentation, even if you are giving it in a language other than your mother tongue. No matter how well you have practiced the talk, you will come off stiff and boring. One exception might be if you are in a crisis and have decided to only deliver a single statement to the press, with no Q&A afterwards.

Showing audience respect means not loading your Power Point slides with overwhelming content that you expect them to read while you continue talking, or worse yet, reading the slide content to the audience. Audience respect involves knowing who you are talking to and knowing what they care about. Audience respect means showing that you care about each person in the room. Speakers who respect their audiences:

• Find out what the audience wants to know and address this information gap.
• Keep the messages simple and interesting.
• Use colorful examples and stories to illustrate their messages.
• Present in a natural and comfortable way.

Rudi Goldman is the founder and Managing Director of Media in English B.V., a Dutch-based communications company and media consultancy which prepares executives for successful television, radio, print media appearances and business presentations. An award-winning communications expert, his 30 years of international media experience covers a broad spectrum, from Los Angeles to New York and from London to Hilversum. Having served as Director of Programming - UK, Benelux and Scandinavia for the Walt Disney Company in London, he understands the European perspective. Goldman has individually trained well over 200 top international business/government leaders. http://media-in-english.com/

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Friday, September 19, 2008

Being Real From The Platform

Writen by Linda Snyder

 "Let it be known, no person, thing, or situation can validate you. You validate yourself by realizing who you are." Mark Tosoni

Knowing who you are is essential before you step in front of an audience. What are you knowledgeable to speak about? What are you interested in learning? What are you passionate about sharing?  When you have clarity, your confidence and excitement about your topic will radiate throughout your presentation.

People see, hear, then they believe. Whatever the purpose of your speaking, it is ultimately important that the audience believes you. Your credibility is vital before they will buy your product, service, or your call to action. More than 90% of why a person "buys" from you is because they like and trust you. From the moment your audience first hears about you, sees you, or hears you present, they are making a decision about who you are and what you are saying.

Which is more important in a presentation, the message or the messenger? Both are completely dependent on the other with a cycle of the message supporting the messenger and vice versa. What is essential is congruence of what you are saying and who you are.

Credibility is created with congruence. Who are you? Are you congruent with your message? If you are talking about financial investments but your portfolio is negative, the audience will be able to detect your incongruence. If you are talking about marketing with an integrated marketing image, your audience will sit up and listen.

Authenticity and integrity are qualities that the audience will discern, the same way they will know if you are a fraud or lack integrity. Be real. Audiences love presenters who aren't afraid to show their weaknesses or laugh at themselves. Vulnerability or openness from the speaker helps people relate.

For example, during a sales seminar I shared that at the beginning of my career I had to "post-date twenty dollar checks" because my commission checks were not very big. Members of the audience nodded their heads in agreement and two came up after the program, thanking me for helping them see that success in selling was possible. One of these has kept in contact over the past decade letting me know his progress. About once a year he calls and he reminds me that my willingness to be real from the stage opened up his mind to his own potential.   

This is not intended that you use the audience to bare your soul and make them feel uncomfortable. I heard a speaker talk about her divorce. She had not emotionally resolved her feelings and should not have talked about a subject that was still raw to her. Once healed, her story might have value, but not until then.

Authenticity, vulnerability, and realness simply mean that you know who you are. When you know that, you are comfortable with yourself and your audiences will be, too.  

Presentation and sales coach Linda Snyder is the creator of "Dare To Dream: Plan to Succeed," a practical guide to achieving powerful goals based on Linda's 26 years of experience presenting motivational seminars and sales trainings.  To learn more about this book, communications coaching, and to sign up for FREE teleclasses, visit www.clarityofvision.com.  

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Presentation Skill Training The Law Of Performance

Writen by Paul Evans

Not your performance, their performance. The audience must go out and apply the information you have given or they wasted their time. Even worse, YOU wasted their time. As speakers it's our obligation to supply practical methods for the crowd to make our words and ideas reality in their lives.

1. Design an Easy to Remember Outline. Some people will take notes, others will not. Create your presentation so that the main points are unforgettable. You'll need to limit those points to five or less and tie them directly to the purpose of your talk. (This is covered thoroughly in the Instant Speaking Success System.)

2. Furnish Handouts When Appropriate. When the setting allows use handouts that let the audience follow along. Some feel that fill in the blank type handouts are elementary. That's possible for elite business meetings. The average audience member likes handouts because they feel involved in the message.

3. Provide Leave Behinds. Set up a table in the back of the room with extra materials that will help people apply the message. This can be a sheet with all your major points and sayings. A couple of pages that pinpoint some specific ways to take the talk to a higher level. Books and tapes that encourage deeper development. Make sure your contact information is on all resources, so you can be called for questions or future engagements.

4. Brainstorm Ideas. In smaller crowds you may be able to interact with the audience and create ideas on the spot. Say, "Before we leave it's critical that we come up with five ways to make the information real in our daily lives. Let's quickly brainstorm five ways to take this information and use it for transformation."

5. Challenge the Group as You Close. One of the easiest ways to foster application is to tell the crowd exactly what to do. "Before you walk out of this room you need to commit to one of the following ways to apply this message. Write down the next fours concepts. After you finish writing them down, circle one or two that you will begin working on tonight."

6. Encourage Follow Up. Ask the people to write you their success stories after they have applied the information. This will do two things. First it will allow the individual and you to see how powerful the principles are that you present. Second, the letter can be used as a testimonial. There is nothing more powerful in your marketing arsenal than a letter that tells the story of a changed life.

Paul Evans is the executive creator of http://www.InstantSpeakingSuccess.com and http://www.PresentationPowerSecrets.com His 20 years of public speaking experience help over 24,000 speakers around the work each week through his free public speaking ezine.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Move Key Audiences To Actions You Want

Writen by Robert A. Kelly


Try a blueprint like this: people act on their own perception of the facts before them, which leads to predictable behaviors about which something can be done. When we create, change or reinforce that opinion by reaching, persuading and moving-to-desired-action the very people whose behaviors affect the organization the most, the public relations mission is accomplished.

It seems worth the effort when you get results like fresh proposals for strategic alliances and joint ventures; prospects starting to do business with you; welcome bounces in show room visits; membership applications on the rise; customers starting to make repeat purchases; community leaders beginning to seek you out; capital givers or specifying sources beginning to look your way, and even politicians and legislators starting to view you as a key member of the business, non-profit or association communities.

But winners don't pull it off by themselves. First, they find out who among their important outside audiences is behaving in ways that help or hinder the achievement of their objectives. Then they list them according to how severely their behaviors affect their organization.

Next they take steps to learn exactly how most members of their key outside audience think about their organization. And by the way, they make certain their entire PR team buys into the crucial importance of knowing for sure how their outside audiences perceive their operations, products or services. And they dig deep to ensure they REALLY accept the reality that perceptions almost always lead to behaviors that can damage your operation.

When it's time to activate the PR blueprint, monitor and gather perceptions by questioning members of your most important outside audience. Ask questions like these: how much do you know about our organization? Have you had prior contact with us and were you pleased with the interchange? How much do you know about our services or products and employees? Have you experienced problems with our people or procedures?

Not so incidentally, your PR folks are already in the perception and behavior business, so they can be of real use for this opinion monitoring project. Professional survey firms can be brought in to handle the opinion monitoring chore, but that can be a costly undertaking. But whether it's your people or a survey firm who asks the questions, your objective is to identify untruths, false assumptions, unfounded rumors, inaccuracies, and misconceptions .

Here, ask yourself which of the above abberations is serious enough to become your corrective public relations goal? Clarify the misconception? Spike that rumor? Correct the false assumption? Fix those inaccuracies? Or yet another offensive perception that could lead to negative results?

Once you firmly set your public relations goal, you can assure you'll achieve it by picking the right strategy from the three choices available to you. Change existing perception, create perception where there may be none, or reinforce it. Especially important that your new strategy naturally compliments your new public relations goal.

How will your message deal with the offending perception when you address your key stakeholder audience to help persuade them to your way of thinking?

Identify your best writing talent to prepare the message because s/he must put together some very special, corrective language. Words that are not only compelling, persuasive and believable, but clear and factual if they are to shift perception/opinion towards your point of view and lead to the behaviors you have in mind.

Now it's time for rapid fire communications tactics to carry your message to the attention of your target audience. Making certain that the tactics you select have a record of reaching folks like your audience members, you can pick from dozens that are available. From speeches, facility tours, emails and brochures to consumer briefings, media interviews, newsletters, personal meetings and many others.

Of course, how one communicates often affects the credibility of the message, so you may wish to deliver it in small getogethers like meetings and presentations rather than through a higher-profile media announcement.

It will soon be time to show signs of progress. And that will call for a second perception monitoring session with members of your external audience. Employing many of the same questions used in the first benchmark session, you will now be watching carefully for signs that the offending perception is being altered in your direction. Of course you can always accelerate the program by adding more communications tactics as well as increasing their frequencies.

At day's end, the managers to whom this is addressed, also know this essential truth: they need an aggressive blueprint such as this one that will deliver behavior change among their most important outside audiences leading directly to achieving their managerial objectives.

Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word count is 900 including guidelines and resource box.

Robert A. Kelly © 2004.

About The Author

Bob Kelly counsels, writes and speaks to business, non-profit and association managers about using the fundamental premise of public relations to achieve their operating objectives. He has been DPR, Pepsi-Cola Co.; AGM-PR, Texaco Inc.; VP-PR, Olin Corp.; VP-PR, Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.; director of communi- cations, U.S. Department of the Interior, and deputy assistant press secretary, The White House. He holds a bachelor of science degree from Columbia University, major in public relations. mailto:bobkelly@TNI.net

Visit: http://www.prcommentary.com

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Presentation Skills That Persuade And Motivate

Writen by Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D.

Almost everyone feels a bit nervous about delivering a presentation before a group. Some people would rather undergo a root canal than experience the anxiety of giving a speech.

Follow some basic guidelines for preparation and delivery, and you can transform your nervousness into positive energy that achieves the results you desire.

The secrets to successful presentations are simple, based on common sense. Many people, however, fail to employ them.

Step One: Purpose

What's the purpose of your presentation? There are many reasons to make a speech or announcement, and you need to clearly define your goal. Do you have to deliver bad news to your department? Do you require a decision from your superiors on a problematic business situation? Do you have a solution and want to convince people? Are you trying to sell a solution or product?

Most presenters try to persuade their audience to buy into specific ideas. They must sufficiently inspire and motivate listeners to take action or give the green light to act on suggested solutions.

You need to lead your audience through the decision-making process so members can go through it with you. Unless they believe they "own" the decision, they won't act upon it.

It's critical to avoid spelling everything out for them. Let them "see" what the problems are and which decisions are needed. They will then be happy to engage in finding solutions and enthusiastic about acting on them.

Step Two: Know Your Audience

Your audience is not merely composed of the people you'll face when you deliver your speech. It also includes those who may be influenced or affected by your proposal. Before you think about what to say, you must determine who your audience is and what they'll need from you to buy into your argument.

Make sure you're selling the benefits of your solution—not the features. For example, if your new program benefits the company by saving time and money, this is what you should emphasize. It will appeal to your audience much more than any discussion of actual program features. Always focus on your audience's interests.

Step Three: Structure Your Presentation

Most of the time, it's wise to open with a story that reveals a picture of the problem at hand. Stories engage people, especially if they're personal and real. They create an authentic connection and grab people's attention. Remember: Your first 30 seconds are the most crucial.

Follow up your story with an honest analysis of the problem, and back it up with research statistics. The Internet makes this part of your task easy, but be cautious about spending too much time on stats.

Then, present the solution. This is the "good stuff," as people want to know relief is in sight. Spell out the benefits to your audience.

Strengthening Your Presentation

If you use slides or PowerPoint graphics, don't become overly attached to them. They should supplement your talk and illustrate key points, not deliver the presentation for you. Don't use graphics that contain every word you say, and never read directly off the screen.

Limit text to subheadings, which should be large enough to read from the back of the room. Don't talk to the screen instead of your audience. And always be prepared for the possibility of a power or technological failure; bring handouts and have an alternative way to deliver your speech in case there's no screen.

Managing Anxiety

Some experts suggest memorizing the first 60 seconds of your speech. If you do this, make sure it sounds natural and authentic. Because you're likely to open with a personal story, introduce yourself and explain why your topic is so important to you. This makes the first 60 seconds sound natural, even if you memorize your text.

Don't draw attention to your nervousness by telling your audience about it. You can share your feelings, but not your anxieties. Your goal is to present yourself authentically, as a real human being.

Don't fidget or fiddle with your hair, clothes or body parts. Practice your speech in front of a mirror as often as you can, and minimize nervous tics by standing behind a podium, if necessary. Practice drawing a deep breath for instant relaxation.

Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D. writes articles for business and executive coaches and consultants. She provides articles on leadership and executive development for sale, and formatted into customized newsletters. Get Patsi's Secrets of Successful Ezines 7-Step Mini-Course at http://www.EzineSecretsMiniCourse.com

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Cell Phone Dos And Dont During A Meeting

Writen by Scott Ginsberg

What would we do without our cell phones? Wow, there's a scary question. It's hard to imagine a world without them. But cell phones, connected as they may keep us, seem to have an amazing power to disturb and trump face to face interaction. For example, why is it that during a meal or a meeting, people insist on taking every call? Even worse, just let the phone ring? They forget all about the person across the table as if they were invisible!

This violates the golden rule of interpersonal communication, which is to make the other person feel like the most important person in the world.

The following is a list of cell phone do's and don'ts that will help you avoid embarrassing yourself while still honoring the person across the table. (This information is NOT found in the 147 page Sprint PCS handbook.) Whether you're at lunch or in a one-on-one meeting, use these etiquette tips to combat even the most enticing barriers that stand in your way of being an effective communicator.

DO…Be Subtle Yet Accessible
The three possible locations to keep your phone are: bag, belt or pocket. Many people chose to keep cell phones in their bags because of pocket-less wardrobes. If this is the case for you, be sure to choose a vibrating or single beep ring that is audible, yet minimal so it doesn't ring seven times while you search through your bag.

Pockets and belt clips are the most efficient places to keep your phone because you are able to answer the ringer right away. Also you can silence the ringer right away. Remember, the last thing your friend or colleague wants to hear during the meeting is an annoying MIDI version of Beethoven's 9th piercing his ears.

DO NOT…Lay Your Phone on the Table
The moment you sit down to lunch with someone, what's the first thing you do? Check out the menu? Take a sip of water? Unfold your napkin? If you're like me, you succumb to the power of the almighty carbohydrate and go to town on the rolls.

But imagine this: you sit down to eat only to watch the person across the table reach into her pocket, grab her cell phone, and smack it right down next to the salt shaker. Ouch.

Does that mean she has an emergency call coming in? Probably not. It sounds more like, as Jerry Seinfeld says, "I have 62 other people on speed dial that I could call if I wanted to; so you better be interesting." That is not the way to make someone feel important.

DO…Take Emergencies
If you know ahead of time that an incoming call is a business or personal emergency, answer it. This is what cell phones are for. But other than an emergency message or a call that directly affects all people the conversation at hand, there's nobody calling you that can't wait an hour for you to call him back. In the history of cell phones, nobody has ever said, "You were in a meeting?! And THEN you called me back?! How rude!"

DO NOT…Wear Phone Accessories During the Meeting
If you sit through an entire meeting wearing an earpiece, headset or any other hands-free-time-saving-quick-answer-annoying-accessory, you should be ashamed of yourself. That's like taking your spouse to a singles bar!

Nonverbal communication speaks before you do. It accounts for 93% of your communication. So, along with eye contact, smiling and open body language – involvement shields like cell phone headsets can nonverbally send the wrong message, for example: "Please anticipate our meeting being interrupted by somebody more important than you."

DO NOT…Let Your Phone Ring Twelve Times
Especially if your cell phone ring is audible from Jupiter, always silence the ringer after three beeps - or in some cases, symphonies. Odds are you're annoying the heck out of someone else in the room, namely, the person sitting two feet across the table. Most cell phones have buttons on the outside that double as ring silencers. Use 'em. Consult your manual and learn how to quickly silence your phone while it's still in your pocket. If you happen to sport the Clint Eastwood Quick Draw Cell Phone Holster, great! Silencing should be even easier. No excuses.

DO…Turn It Off
A fool-proof solution to cell phone interruption is best personified by the words of Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid II. He said, "The best way to block a punch is to not be there." In other words, just turn your phone off. This is a great way to avoid incoming calls or the temptation to make outgoing calls.

DO NOT…Insult the Absent
Some people answer their phones during a meeting or meal and try to compensate for their rudeness by insulting the person on the other line – as if this makes up for it. They roll their eyes. They give you the "just a minute" index finger. They impatiently bob their head back and forth to the rhythm of their boring conversation while forming their non-phone hand into the "Quack Quack" gesture which symbolizes someone on the other line who won't shut up. Meanwhile you're sitting there like an idiot, feeling bad for the person on the other end of the phone, deciding whether or not you should have another roll.

DO…Wait for the Right Time
The best time to check missed calls that you politely silenced is when you or your colleague is away from the table. This will give you enough time to see what you missed, and if need be – return an emergency call. And if you must return the call immediately, don't do it at the table. Politely say, "Please excuse me for a minute, but I have to take this call."

Some sneaky people – my last date for example - pretend to use the bathroom for the sole purpose of making a phone call. This is an effective technique, but be careful. If you've had a few glasses of water, ten minutes later when you really do have to go, you'll turn into "The Boy Who Cried Hello."

DO NOT…Debate the Caller ID
Nothing is more frustrating than to be on the other end of the "Caller ID Debate." If you're not familiar with this atrocity, here are the four steps. (1) They give you the "just a minute" index finger, (2) They check their caller ID, (3) They tilt their head and stare at the phone for 2-5 seconds, and (4) They make a decision to answer the call or return to your conversation. This is terribly uncomfortable. You actually watch your friend (?) decide whether or not there's someone else she'd rather talk to. Ouch.

The Bottom Line
Cell phones have become a primary form of communication. In fact, manufacturers will ship 585 million phones in 2004, according to a study from market watcher Strategy Analytics. But with every phone shipped comes a coefficient of frustration caused by improper etiquette. Show consideration for the person joining you and be mindful of ringers, accessories and incoming calls. And if you use your cell phone at the right time for the right reason, you will honor your company as an effective communicator.

Remember: don't incur the opportunity cost of cell phone convenience at the expense of someone sitting right across the table. You're sitting down with him. Talk to HIM!

© 2005 All Rights Reserved.

Scott Ginsberg is a professional speaker, "The World's Foremost Expert on Nametags" and the author of HELLO my name is Scott and The Power of Approachability. He helps people MAXIMIZE their approachability and become UNFORGETTABLE communicators - one conversation at a time. For more information contact Front Porch Productions at http://www.hellomynameisscott.com.

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Presentations To City Councils For Truck Wash Locations

Writen by Lance Winslow

The first sentence was; Not in my backyard! And that is how the presentation to the City Council began. We came with information and data and a perfect plan, but the Sierra Club Lady and resident hippie stood up just before we started talking and said; not in my backyard! Well, you can imagine how I thought that night might end.

Luckily for us we were told in advance the objections of this particular resident hippie and her friends she brought with her to the City Council Halls. Her objections were quite simple in that a truck wash would bring more trucks off the freeway and trucks put out a CO2 and therefore there would be more pollution in the town if we put in a truck wash. But the town did not start for good four miles away and since we were on the far side of town by the interstate the wind would blow the pollution away from the City and not into it.

It is always amazing the logic that people come up with when they try to fight the business owner who is trying to make a return on his investment. After all it is not her property and yet she was so concerned about a truck wash being there why not buy the property and plant flowers and start a hippie movement and a pot smoking shrine?

Well guess what the presentation went off flawlessly and we answered the ladies objections and today her son is a manager of one of our truck washes; go figure? Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

medical health hospital

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The 5 Ps Of Motivating An Audience

Writen by Tracy Brinkmann

Let's cut right to the chase of this article. There are five 'P's in motivating your audience. Whether your audience is a room of fifty to five hundred, an employee or a prospective client, you need to take them through these five 'P's to motivate them.

• PAY ATTENTION – First on the list is to ensure they are paying attention to you. Before you can motivate anyone they have to listen to you. In today's world of voice-mail, email, snail mail, telephone, cell phone and headphones, it is getting harder and harder for one to listen and be listened to. The reasons people do not really listen are numerous and include things like being preoccupied with work or family issues. Or perhaps they have a physical limitation such as hearing problems, which could be compounded by external noise. Then there are internal reasons, such as the listener does not see the obvious benefits of what you are sharing, or worse they though they heard you say something you didn't.

To help your audience listen:
• Be enthusiastic!! In studies done at Stanford University 15% of successful sales were the result of knowledge. But a whooping 85% were the result of good old enthusiasm.
• Speak to them in their language. Using five syllable words that one only learns in university (and only uses there) can quickly loose a majority of your audience – or again they could assume the meaning of the unknown word and walk away with a completely different message from what you were trying to communicate.
• Start off your speech/conversation/presentation by getting them to think right away. This works even better if what you get them engaged in links directly to your message. In a recent seminar I gave I was sharing with the audience how what you think affects how you feel. I started off the presentation by getting the audience to stand up and act as if they were wearing a super-hero cape. To imagine they had on the classic crime fighter's long flowing red or black cloak. You could see the transformation on the faces and chests (as they puffed out) of those willing to really engage in the exercise. Get them involved in your message quickly!

• PERCIEVE – Ok they are listening, but what if they cannot grasp or perceive your message? Well then they will be stuck on the first P – pay attention. If they get stuck on that first P for too long you will loose them. To help your audience understand your information, be sure to organize it in an easy to understand format. Keep your main points limited to three or four, most will not remember more than four anyway. Another good way to improve your audience's perception of your material is to theme it. Check out the article "Theme It!" for more information on this. To get a copy send a email to mailto:speakingarticle_20@sendfree.com

• PERSUADE – They are listening and even understanding. Next you need persuade them. They need to accept what your sharing as fact and believe it as such. The key ingredients to your believability are your credibility, your passion and your logic. When you mix these ingredients into your presentation your audience will be more likely to believe you and to be persuaded to your call to action – more on that in a moment. On credibility – always stand on firm solid factual ground – if your facts are questionable share that. Then share your position on why you're including the facts. This level of disclosure will keep you out of trouble and give the audience a level of comfort with you and your material. As for passion – well this comes back to being enthusiastic but it also speaks more towards reaching in and making them feel your words with appropriate stories and analogies. Check out the article "Make Them Feel Your Words!" for more information on this. To get a copy send a email to mailto:speakingarticle_4@sendfree.com

• PRESERVE – Here is a pivotal issue that we all tangle with – getting people to remember the information. Some key ways to get your material preserved in the minds of your audience are: Repeat, repeat, and repeat. Tell them what your going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them. Use visuals and get them involved in the material. People tend to remember, 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, 50% of what they hear AND see. But most importantly they remember 80% of what they hear, see AND do. Create an activity that gets the audience involved. An activity that will allow them to not only reach the same conclusions you are presenting. But it allows them to do it for themselves. While someone may argue your position – they generally will not argue there own.

• PROCEED – Get your audience to proceed with some action! So many times I listened to outstanding presentations and outstanding presenters that walked away from their speech without giving their audience a call to action. Do not walk away from your audience without giving them a call to action. Your listeners will be far more likely to take that action if you directly ask them to. They will be more likely to take action if you ask them to right away while they are still motivated by the preceding four 'P's you have built upon to get them to this point.

Again, whether your audience is a room of fifty or five hundred, an employee or a prospective client, you need to take them through these five 'P's:

Make sure your audience can correctly PERCEIVE your message
PERSUADE them to your side
Format your information so it can be PRESERVED in their memory
Give them a call to action so they can PROCEED the way you would like them to.

Follow the five 'P's and you will be PROUD of the POLISHED PRODUCT!

Think Successfully & Take Action!

http://www.SuccessAtlas.com Tracy Brinkmann is an goal setting and success counselor. Through his company Success Atlas, he provides goal-setting, motivational & educational material, & training via live presentations as well as digital/audio products. Sign up for his free e-Zine http://www.SuccessAtlas.com

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Friday, September 12, 2008

Tough Talk Bad News Delivered The Right Way

Writen by Aileen Pincus

Communicating Bad News The Right Way

It's the rare executive who actually enjoys speaking before groups of people, even under the best of circumstances. Public speaking routinely ranks highest on people's list of fears. Add the pressure of having to deliver bad news to good people, and even the most confident executive can stumble.

Every employee has a horror story about a manager's inability to relate bad news. One new manager tried to quell questions from anxious employees about their jobs by denying the obvious: he'd been hired to make changes. When that statement was met with skepticism, he explained, "What I meant was that I'm not going to make any changes that you don't already know have to be made." Not surprisingly, his words did little to stem fear, help employee morale, or change the speed with which resumes were readied, even among those spared the ax.

Another executive withheld information about necessary layoffs right up to and including the time those layoffs were being put into effect. As employees were summoned one by one into the executive's office, word began to spread through the employee grapevine like wildfire. Rumors flew out of control. One fired employee began calling workers who were not present, with erroneous news they too were about to be fired. So badly had the executive handled the situation, security guards had to be called in to handle growing employee anger and frustration, right in the presence of visiting clients.

To be sure, these are extreme, real-life examples of bad news communicated badly. However, even the announcement of difficult changes can be handled well by executives, if those announcements are handled honestly, appropriately, and with open and clear communication.

It makes no sense for executives whose workplaces are filled with rumor to stay silent. Yet many executives do just that, fearing that anything they say will only add to the anxiety. The first rule of communicating about change in the workplace is the same rule used in crisis communications: tell what you know when you know it.

Even if what you do know, or are allowed to say is limited, you will do yourself and your employees a great deal of good by setting the stage for open communication early. This gives executives an opportunity to learn of employee concerns and to squelch unfounded rumors at the outset. Even more importantly, it allows executives to communicate an understanding of those concerns to employees.

That will go a long way in giving both employees who are impacted, and those who are not, more confidence that their interests are being taken into account.

Executives should also use care and attention with the words and tone they use, along with how those words are likely to be perceived. Executives uncomfortable with the emotions involved in delivering unpleasant news often choose to present a simple recitation of the facts, in a neutral tone. While it's important to let employees know what is happening, and why, its equally important executives acknowledge the real pain those changes are causing. Don't assume workers know how you feel. Workers need to hear executives empathize about the impact of difficult decisions, and acknowledge their worth and contributions.

Executives need to find as many ways as possible to help ease the blow of bad news for all employees, those who might be downsized or reassigned, as well as those left behind. Communicating about any and all options available for employees helps ease the feelings of helplessness and frustration, among those most impacted by change. For those left behind, honest communication about new job duties or increased responsibilities will go a long way toward rebuilding morale and confidence.

Bad news doesn't have to be communicated badly. Honest, clear and powerful communication can help pave the way for a new beginning.

Aileen Pincus is president of The Pincus Group, a strategic communications training firm specializing in presentation skills, media training, speech and crisis communications. On the web at http://www.thepincusgroup.com

medical health hospital

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Give Your Audience Something To Talk About

Writen by Andrew E. Schwartz

There is an old saying: "The first thing to do when the audience goes to sleep is to prod the speaker." Most presentations are not intense enough. The average audience is lulled to sleep by droning monotony. A really energetic presenter can lose a pound or more in the course of an hour-long presentation, which gives some idea of the vigor which can and should go into it. If you are alive, alert, intense, enthusiastic, the audience cannot put their attention elsewhere.

Direct participation by audience members is one of the best ways to keep their attention. When appropriately used, audience participation usually will focus the eyes and ears of almost every audience member on what's happening. You should always be alert to possibilities for letting people in your audiences do and say. You may simply ask questions. You may ask for volunteers to demonstrate, or use a visiting expert.

A smile can more effectively start a training off right than anything else you might do. And the remarkable thing is that it will also have a positive impact on you. Try this experiment with your next group of participants. There is no rule that says you must begin to speak immediately on reaching the podium. Say nothing, and simply view the audience. Look into the faces of as many individuals as possible and smile in a friendly way. This will relax both you and your audience. Continue to smile as occasions present themselves. Look at people, interact with them warmly, disarmingly and sincerely and see what happens.

People don't relate well to the same activity repeated over a long period of time. Trainers should try to alternate activity and lecture. Intersperse things such as chalkboard use, demonstration, lecturing, and audio-visuals so that no single one occupies too long a period. Do not "bounce" all over the podium, but furnish the audience enough variety of action and speech so that they will have some opportunity to stay alert.

Remember: relax, smile, and be energetic!

Copyright AE Schwartz & Associates All rights reserved. For additional presentation materials and resources: ReadySetPresent and for a Free listing as a Trainer, Consultant, Speaker, Vendor/Organization: TrainingConsortium

CEO, A.E. Schwartz & Associates, Boston, MA., a comprehensive organization which offers over 40 skills based management training programs. Mr. Schwartz conducts over 150 programs annually for clients in industry, research, technology, government, Fortune 100/500 companies, and nonprofit organizations worldwide. He is often found at conferences as a key note presenter and/or facilitator. His style is fast-paced, participatory, practical, and humorous. He has authored over 65 books and products, and taught/lectured at over a dozen colleges and universities throughout the United States.

medical health hospital

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Foiled And Embossed Presentation Folders

Writen by Lance Winslow

One of the easiest ways to dress up a relatively simple package or set of advertising brochures for your company is to simply develop a sharper presentation folder. It is interesting that you can buy these fairly inexpensive if you buy in bulk. Lets say about $.75 to $2.00 each. This is not too much and will up your professionalism by 100%.

Presentation folders should have your logo in a crisp format either foiled or embossed, with a slogan, which is a simple statement underneath or along the edge. Some folks go a little further and have pictures also. This makes sense although any pictures you use should most likely also be used on your Companies Website. Why? Well it is important to keep the presentation folders and all your advertising and marketing material consistent you see? A simple to the point message is most well received by your future customers and clients.

There are many inexpensive things you can do to compete against the big boys and carry that same level of professional image without faking your way into looking too corporate and too expensive and turning off your potential clientele who may think you look too expensive. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/

medical health hospital

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Stage Glass This Has Nothing To Do With The Theatre

Writen by Mark Boehm

The Stage Glass or glass platen is the most commonly broken part on you Overhead Projector. I would like to share a few of the stories that I have had the pleasure of listening to when my customers call in looking to replace this part.

Replacing your Overhead Projector Stage Glass is probably one of the easiest repair jobs that any end user of an Overhead Projector can perform. What is a Stage Glass? It is the glass platen where you lay your transparencies when projectors. The Stage Glass or Glass platen as some may refer to it, is one of the most commonly replaced parts on an Overhead Projector today.

Now unfortunately it is easy to become confused on which Replacement Stage Glass your Overhead Projector may need as there is no standard size or shape to any one manufacturer's Stage Glass, whether it be 3M, Dalite, Buhl, Eiki, Bell & Howell, Dukane or Elmo, Stage Glasses come in many different sizes and configurations.

Some Stage Glass may have beveled edges on the length of the glass on one side or two sides. Some Stage Glass may have cut corners, sometimes referred to as clipped corners on all four corners or two corners. Some Stage Glass are referred to as hardened glass. Hardened glass is a specially heat treated glass making it much more durable than the typical annealed glass used in most Overhead Projectors.

Some Stage Glass is held in with clips, while other Stage Glass is held in with double sided tape. So as you can see there are a wide range of variables when it comes to an Overhead Projector Stage Glass.

If you have a Stage Glass that is held in with double sided tape the old tape must be removed and replaced before the new glass is installed. It is not recommended to use the same double sided tape for your new Stage Glass.

In some cases, the manufacturer does not allow you to purchase the Stage Glass if it requires double sided tape to reinstall. In those instances you will be required to purchase a new top cover assembly with the Stage Glass already installed for you. In some cases once you have purchased the new top cover the Stage Glass will be held in with clips instead of the double sided tape, allowing any future glass replacements to simply require the purchase of just the Stage Glass.

So how do all these Stage Glass get broken? Well here are some of the most common stories we hear:

I used my Overhead Projector as: a step stool, a ladder, a desk top to staple documents, a work bench, or as a chair.

Some folks prefer to knock or drag them of carts, while others just get totally stressed out and throw them.

One of my favorite stories to date is one that I heard just recently. The customer was apparently very upset that they had just broken their Stage Glass. After I had finished asking for all of the pertinent information they felt the need to relieve some of their stress by explaining how the Stage Glass was broken. It seemed to be a good idea at the time for them to pick up a very large book as their weapon of choice against the fly that had been torturing them all day. The book was launched towards the fly, seemed to be right on target as it smashed through the glass. Unfortunately for them, the fly anticipated their strategy and evacuated just in time to get out of the way of the book only to live on another day. Let's hope another Overhead Projector Stage Glass doesn't see the same demise.

Mark Boehm is the president of M-B Electronics. He has over 25 years of experience in the Audio Visual and Electronics Industry. You can contact him at 800-872-9456 or e-mail him at etbinc@comcast.net.

For more information:http://www.mbelectronics.com/view.aspx?id=245&name=Stage%20Glass

Monday, September 8, 2008

Transitions Building Bridges To Your Points

Writen by Diane DiResta

Presenters often tell me that they fear losing their train of thought. When listening to their talks I realized that for many people, the problem is not forgetting the words or main points.

Speakers freeze because they can't get from point A to point B. They know the next point but they struggle with the transition. And without transitions you will sound choppy and inexperienced.

So how do you create that smooth flow? First consider your points. Let's say your agenda items are

• background history
• current situation
• future trends

You don't want to simply say "Background history." You need a lead in. Your segue can be as basic as "Let's begin with some background history…" Now choose another transition such as "Next we'll discuss our current situation…" A transition can be phrased as a statement or question. "So what do we project for the future of the industry?….." In sales presentations it's very effective to verbalize what the customer is thinking.

"You may be wondering how much does it cost"
"At this point you may be concerned with safety."
"So what is our track record?"

Transitions are the thread that weaves all the ideas together in a cohesive fashion. They also help the audience to listen and comprehend the message. Transitions are road signs that signal you are making a new point. Here are a few transitions to bridge to your speaking points:

"That brings me to me next point which is…"

"Now that we've discussed advertising, let's take a look at direct mail…"

"So far we've covered compensation and benefits, the next agenda item is training.."

"In addition to cost containment, there is another area I'd like to discuss…"

"Now let's consider.."

"To begin with let's take a look at…"

"The next important factor is…"

"I'd like to view the issue from three aspects…"

"Finally, let's consider…"

Remember to use transitions in all your presentations. You will have more attentive listeners, better retention and they'll think you're a real smooth talker!

Diane DiResta, President of DiResta Communications, Inc. is an International speaker, coach, and author of Knockout Presentations: How to Deliver Your Message with Power, Punch, and Pizzazz. To subscribe to Impact Player, a free online newsletter visit http://www.diresta.com.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Monotony Most Foul

Writen by Ty Boyd

Monotony should be on the FBI's most wanted list. It has killed more presentations than any of the deadly distractions. Everyone, not just those trained to perform critiques of speeches, picks up on monotony in a presentation.

You don't find any best-selling songs that use only one note, do you? Nor do you find great one-note presentations. However, monotony is not just speaking in a monotone - that is using just that single note. It is a lack of variety in every element of your presentation.

The antithesis of monotony is variety. You can add heat, color, excitement, emotion and expressiveness by bringing variety to your presentations.

First, let's talk about the vocal elements.

You should vary the notes, the sound level, and the flow of your words. Vary between a whisper and a shout. Speak slowly, then more rapidly. Use your voice to work up and down the register. Take advantage of silence, too. Use precise diction to underline a point. Change your voice to fit your content. Paint a picture by emphasizing certain words. Use your voice to be unpredictable. Keep the audience a little off guard and they will stay with you to the end.

Face has its place in fighting monotony. If you are practicing vocal variety, a deadpan face causes dissonance. Your face should match the content of your presentation, as well as the vocal qualities you are employing. Happy? Then, smile! Thoughtful? Show it.

Make eye contact with various audience members. Picking one person to stare at is just wrong. It makes everyone uncomfortable.

Movement and gestures also add variety. Now, we don't want you to pace and wander all over the stage, but it is OK to step out from behind the lectern. Move toward or away from the audience to make a point.

Use your hands to punctuate a point. Make a fist. Sweep the room with your arm to draw in your audience. Point. But with gestures – as with everything else – make sure they have a point and fit into the context of what you are saying.

Remember monotony kills. Variety can bring even a dead audience back to life.

Ty Boyd, CEO of Ty Boyd Executive Learning Systems, is in the Broadcast Hall of Fame and the Speakers Hall of Fame. He has taught presentation skills to Fortune 1000 executives in more than 40 countries. His Excellence In Speaking Institute celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2005.